Garden Smarter, Not Harder: Your Digital Green Thumb.

Discover a world of horticultural expertise at your fingertips and embark on your gardening journey with confidence.

Try Garden Partner for free!

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From basic plant care to advanced gardening techniques, we've got you covered.

Tomato Illustration

We're a comprehensive database of gardening knowledge designed specifically for beginners. Our app provides a convenient and user-friendly platform where all the gardening information you need is effortlessly accessible in one place.

Plant image

Plant, Grow, Thrive: Let Our Software Lead the Way.

Whether you're new to gardening or looking to expand your green thumb skills, our app has you covered.

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Bee and Tomato Illustration

Your Plants

Chose a Plan Icon

Access to over 250 vegetables, fruits, herbs & companion plants.

Pick Your Notifications

Notification Icon

Customize your notifications: when to water, when to fertilize and when to harvest

Master the Weather

Weather Icon

Receive advanced weather alerts for frost or extreme heat.

Grow Your Garden

Garden Icon

Quickly access detailed information on how to grow each plantin your garden.

Track Your Progress

Track Icon

Make notes, add images & save your progress in a virtual “seed box” for next year.

Browse our Articles

Browse Icon

Browse helpful articles on pest and disease management and more.

Watch how it all comes together.

Discover a world of horticultural expertise at your fingertips

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What other green thumbs have to say:

“As a beginner, this app made planning my garden so much easier. The weather alerts are a lifesaver!”

Vanessa Ibanez, 36

Tomato  illustrations

I've been able to utilize this app throughout it's development, and now I would have a hard time gardening without it! It's like a personal vault of information, tailored just for me.

Sarah Wolfe

Starting my garden for the first time was pretty overwhelming. There is so much information out there, and this app helped me stay focused on what's important and guided me through what to do for each plant. It's definitely helpful.

Donna Samuel

What I really like about this app is that I can save what I grew and look at my notes from the previous year. Also, I live in Arizona, so the extreme heat notifications are nice to have. It gives me enough time to provide additional shade the plants that might need it.

Bryan Parks

Keeping this app was a no-brainer for me! I love that you can search for vegetables to plant by zone, so that you don't waste your time growing something that won't work out. You can also look up any bugs / diseases and it suggests how to manage them.

J.P. Covarrubias

This app allows me to stay organized and keep track of what I'm currently growing and what I've grown in the past. Having all the info about each plant in one place saves a lot of time!

Dana Willson

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions reach out through our contact form below

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How can I download the app?

To download our app, simply follow the links provided on our website. You can also find Garden Partner directly on Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices.

Can I use the app for free?

Yes! We offer a 2-week free trial so you can explore everything Garden Partner has to offer. After the trial, you can continue enjoying the full features with our yearly subscription.

Can I cancel my subscription at

any time?

Yes. You can cancel your subscription any time.

How do I update the app to the

latest version?

Update behavior depends on your device settings. Some devices update apps automatically, while others require you to update manually through the app store. Don’t worry—whenever a major update is available, we’ll send you a push notification to keep you informed!

How accurate are the weather alerts?

Weather alerts are tailored to your location using your postal code. Forecasts are compiled from various reliable sources, including government agencies like NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), weather satellites, weather balloons, ground-based stations, radar systems, aircraft observations, and even crowdsourced data. This comprehensive information is aggregated to provide the most accurate forecast for your area, delivered through our third-party API.

Can the app recommend plants

for my climate?

Yes! When searching for a plant, you can use the toggle located on the left side of the search bar to enable the 'My Zone Only' option. This feature provides a tailored list of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and companion plants that are well-suited to your USDA gardening zone.

How can I suggest new features

or improvements for the app?

We welcom your suggestions! You can share your feedback by messaging us directly through the app's "contact us" feature or via here our website. We greatly appreciate input from our users and encourage you to let us know your thoughts!

Is there a way to contact customer

service for help?

Yes, you can reach our customer service team by using the 'Contact Us' feature in the app or by sending us a message through our website. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

Try Garden
Partner for Free!

Discover a world of horticultural expertise at your fingertips and embark on your gardening journey with confidence.

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